C followed by a - and a letter means hold down the key while pressing the appropriate letter. M followed by a - and a letter means to depress and release the key followed by the appropriate letter. C-\ t Tutorial suggested for new emacs users. C-x C-c exit emacs --Files-- C-x C-f read a file into emacs C-x C-s save a file back to disk C-x i insert contents of another file into this buffer C-x C-v replace this file with the contents of file you want C-x C-w write buffer to specified file --Error Recovery-- C-g abort partially typed or executing command M-x recover-file recover a file lost by a system crash C-x C-_ undo an unwanted change M-x revert-buffer restore a buffer to its original contents C-l redraw garbled screen --Getting Help-- C-\ t Tutorial recommended for new emacs users C-x 1 get rid of help window M C-v scroll help window --Incremental Search-- M-x goto-line go to line number C-s search forward (can repeat for next, use M to exit) C-r search backward (can repeat for next, use M to exit) C-r search backward C-M-s regular expression search M escape incremental search --Cursor Movement-- C-f move forward one character C-b move backward one character C-n move to next line C-p move to previous line C-a move to beginning of line C-e move to end of line M-f move forward one word M-b move backword one word C-v move forward one screen M-v move backward one screen M-< go to beginning of file M-> go to end of file --Killing and Deleting-- delete backward one character C-d delete forward one character M- delete backward one word M-d delete forward one word M-z {char} kill to next occurrenc of character C-k kill to end of line C-y yank back last thing killed --Marking-- C-@ or C- set mark here C-x C-x exchange point and mark M-h mark paragraph C-x h mark entire buffer (alternately M-< M->) --Replacing-- M-% interactively replace a test string M-x replace-string replace string with string mark to end of file --Multiple Windows-- C-x 1 delete all other windows C-x 0 delete this window C-x 2 split this window in half vertically C-x 5 split this window in half horizontally C-M-v scroll other window C-x o switch cursor to another window --Buffers-- C-x b select another buffer C-x C-b list all buffers C-x k kill a buffer --Spelling Check-- M-$ check spelling of current word M-x spell-region check spelling of marked region M-x spell-buffer check spelling of entire buffer --Shells-- M-! execute a shell command M-| run a shell command on region C-u M-| filter a region through a shell command