0) you have access to Physics and CoRE2 sub clusters. 1) In CORE2 subcluster there is no limitation on number of cores used by a user. Hence, it is expected that users will be MODEST, and DO NOT USE DISPROPORTIONAL amount of computer time. 2) Job's execution time is limited to 15 days. 3) Ideally serial jobs as well as small scale jobs (up to 8 cores) should be run in Physics cluster (phys). 3) Physics cluster (phys) is underutilized by most members, although the machines on physics cluster are not much slower than in CORE cluster. Please take a moment and familiarize yourself with Physics cluster. Physics cluster contains many queues, which have various amounts of memory and various numer of cores per node. Intel architecture: wp12m4 -- 12 cores per node and 4GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 72. wp08m3 -- 8 cores per node and 8GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 108. wp08m2 -- 8 cores per node and 2GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 20. wp04m1 -- 4 cores per node and 1GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 148. Opteron architecture: wo32m2 -- 32 cores per node and 2GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 32. wo16m2 -- 16 cores per node and 2GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 16. wo08m4 -- 8 cores per node and 4GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 32. wo08m2 -- 8 cores per node and 2GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 48. wo04m1 -- 8 cores per node and 1GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 24. wo02m2 -- 2 cores per node and 2GB of memory per core. Total number of cores is 34. Note on name convention: Opteron base computer start from "wo" while intel based computer queues start with "wp". It is followed by two numbers separated by letter m. The first gives the number of cores per node and the second the amount of memory per core. Restrictions: wp08m1 and wp12m4 queues will be devoted to USPEX job execution. The rest will have no restrictions.