#=========================================================================== # Please set environment variable WIEN_DMFT_ROOT (in ~/.bashrc) to the same path as DESTDIR in this Makefile DESTDIR = ./bini #------------- SERIAL VERSION ---------------------------------------------- F90 = ifort F77 = ifort C++ = icpc CC = icc OPENMP = -fopenmp FFLAGS = -O2 -free -no-prec-div -pc80 $(OPENMP) OFLAGS = -O2 LALIB = -mkl FFTLIB = -lfftw3_omp -lfftw3 FFTINC = -I/usr/include GSLLIB = -lgslcblas -lgsl GSLINC = -I/usr/include PIC = -fPIC WFOPT = -O2 -free -no-prec-div -pc80 $(OPENMP) $(FFTINC) WLIBS = $(FFTLIB) $(LALIB) F2PL = F2PY_LAPACK = --link-lapack_opt #------------- PARALLEL VERSION -------------------------------------------- Fmpi_define = -D_MPI PF90 = mpif90 PC++ = mpicxx PCC = mpicc PFLAGS = -D_MPI -DMPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK -O3 #-restrict -ipo -no-prec-div LLIBS = $(LALIB) PLIBS = $(LLIBS) $(GSLLIB) # CMP = f2py --opt='-O2' --fcompiler=intelem # fortran to python converter CMPLIBS = --f90flags='-fopenmp ' --opt='-fast' --opt='-fast' --link-lapack_opt CMPLIBS2 = --f90flags=' $(OPENMP) ' $(CMPLIBS) # #============================================================================