Quick User Guide

Disclaimer: This is a reference manual for RUPC users, describing the organization of the Beowulf cluster, the resources available and the Sun Grid Engine queuing system. We encourage users to spend a few minutes in reading this quick manual to fully profit from the cluster usage.

Cluster Access:

Cluster Structure (Hardware):

Cluster Structure (Software):

Queuing System

In order to run serial and/or parallel jobs on the cluster, you must prepare a job control file and submit it from any of the submit nodes (rupc03-09). Job control files are nothing else as shell scripts, with additional information specifying the queue, the number of CPUs, etc. We strongly encourage you to use job script templates given below.

Currently activated queues (2024/09/01):

Note on naming conventions: The first two letters identify the initials of the professor(s) to whom the queue(s) belong." AMD Opteron-based computers are designated with the letter 'o,' while Intel-based computer queues use the letter 'i.' The following two digits indicate the number of cores per node. The letter 'm' represents memory, and the subsequent digits specify the amount of available memory per core.


Storage Policy:

Home directory usage should not exceed          50 GB.
Work directory usage should not exceed           2.0 TB

Cluster Usage Policy:

There are four groups of users allowed to run jobs on the cluster. Users are assigned to groups based on their group supervisor. Jobs should be submitted to the queues corresponding to the appropriate supervisor.


Copyright © 2024, HPC, RUPC, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Wednesday, 12-Mar-2025 20:09:52 EDT