Quick User's Guide

Disclaimer: This is a reference manual for RUPC users, describing the organization of the Beowulf cluster, the resources available and the Sun Grid Engine queuing system. We encourage users to spend half an hour in reading this quick manual to fully profit from the cluster usage.

Cluster Access:

Cluster Structure (Hardware):

Cluster Structure (Software):


Snapshots of home directory are taken every 5 hours. Hourly snapshots are available from any login node in directory /snapshot/hour. Daily snapshots are available from any login node in directory /snapshot/day.
Hourly snapshots are complete images of your home directory taken at 7am, 12pm, 5pm and 10pm. Daily snapshorts are usually taken at 3am every night.

Daily snapshots of work directory are evailable at any login server in directories: /mnt/swkXX/ where XX is number of your work directory folder. (for the XX number see /work directory: ls -l /work and your name).
Example: /mnt/wk19/haule/  means XX=19 i.e. backup directory is /mnt/swk19.

Snapshot directories are read only i.e. you can not modify files there! One can only copy deleted files from them.

Storage Policy:

Home directory usage should not exceed          50 GB.
Work directory usage should not exceed         500 GB
Storage directory usage should not exceed      100 GB  [all data should be in tar and gzipped form].

Cluster Usage Policy:

Common rules:
There are 4 sub clusters, which can be used by most of users:
 I) Physics (located at Physics Rm#284, common usage)
     1) can be accessed from rupc04
     2) can also be accessed from othe rupc frontend nodes by typing "phys"

 II) CORE  (located at CoRE building)
     1) can be accessed from rupc06
     2) can also be accessed from othe rupc frontend nodes by typing "core"

III) CORE2  (located at CoRE building)
     1) can be accessed from rupc06
     2) can also be accessed from othe rupc frontend nodes by typing "core2"

 IV) IBM   (located at CoRE)
     1) can be accessed from rupc06
     2) can also be accessed from othe rupc frontend nodes by typing "ibm"

Although most of users have very high limit on the number of cores which they can simultaneously use, it is expected that users will be moderate, and not use disproportional amount of computer time. If you need more computer time, you should get a special permission, which will be granted if resources are available.

There are two groups of users allowed to run jobs in the cluster.  Users are devided depending on a group supervisor.
  1. Profs. K. Rabe and D. Vanderbilt :  Jobs can be run on Physics and CoRE2  sub clusters.    Policy (very important, must read)
  2. Profs. G. Kotliar and K. Haule   : Jobs can be run on Physics, CoRE and IBM  sub clusters. Policy (very important, must read)

And finally:


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Wednesday, 26-Feb-2025 12:36:36 EST